kalau rasa penat..take 5 main dengan kucing.tenang fikiran.. :) tapi ada baby lg best..meow~ :p there are some hadith related to cats
Hadith - Bukhari 3:553, Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar Allah's Apostle said, "A woman was tortured and was put in Hell because of a cat which she had kept locked till it died of hunger." Allah's Apostle further said, "(Allah knows better) Allah said (to the woman), 'You neither fed it nor watered when you locked it up, nor did you set it free to eat the insects of the earth.' " takot kan.. :( Hadith - Muslim, Narrated 'Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin Dawud ibn Salih ibn Dinar at-Tammar quoted his mother as saying that her mistress sent her with some pudding (harisah) to Aisha who was offering prayer. She made a sign to me to place it down. A cat came and ate some of it, but when Aisha finished her prayer, she ate from the place where the cat had eaten. She stated: The Messenger of Allah said: It is not unclean: it is one of those who go round among you. She added: I saw the Messenger of Allah performing ablution from the water left over by the cat. wah.. :D
dalam hidup ni..ada perkara yg buat kita rasa takut..ada seseorang yg buatkan kita rasa takut..takut dikritik..takut dihina..hilang fokus.kita cuba lari..tapi realiti tak dapat bersembunyi..hilangkan rasa takut itu..dengan..yang pertama! katakan so whatever~ :p yang kedua! ada i kesah? :p yang ketiga! jaga perasaan org lain..jgn selalu mengkritik je.down kot.. :( yang keempat! katakan semula.whateverlah~~ :p